
Training therapy and fitness test Physiotherapeutic training concepts and training plans

Shoulder-in is the aspirin of horsemanship: it heals everything- Nuno Oliveira


We all want our horses to remain healthy and fit well into old age. To achieve this, it is important to adapt the training to the physical and mental characteristics of the horse and rider. A strong torso and a relaxed back not only allow the rider to sit well, but also prevent signs of wear and tear such as tendon injuries and suspensory ligament damage.

The training offer:

Fitness test and pulse values

Monitoring and planning of a training session using pulse measurement

This allows:

    Pain and excessive demands during training are identified. The horse's condition and fitness are tested. Suprathreshold training stimuli are identified and optimal training stimuli are set. An optimal training plan is created


Training therapy is used to prevent diseases and to rehabilitate horses after injuries. The exercises are adapted to the veterinarian's diagnosis and the findings from the therapeutic treatment.


    Training for leisure horses and rehabilitation horsesTraining for weight reduction for obese horsesMuscle adaptation to laterality and natural crookedness

Training plans

Sensible structure of training units and design of a training week. Setting individual training goals.

Using the results of the heart rate measurement, the body condition scoring and the osteopathic findings, an individually tailored training plan can be created. This includes:

    Explanation of individual exercisesExamples of customized training week plans

useful information

and frequently asked questions

  • Who is training therapy suitable for?

    Owners of rehabilitation horses after veterinary diagnosis and consent to training

  • Which exercises and methods are used in training therapy?

      Lunging with intelligence according to OsteoDressageFascial work and biotensegral trainingTraining with special training tapesProprioception and isometric exercisesMovement therapy in the form of ground work or hand workClassical gymnastics through lateral movementsCavaletti workWorking with body bandages
  • How does a fitness test for horses work?

    The fitness test is carried out using a pulse meter. Please prepare a bucket of water and a sponge so that the electrodes can make contact with your pulse.

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