About me

Linda Visser


    Agricultural Sciences (B.Sc.)Agricultural and Environmental Engineering (M.Sc.)Association-certified equine physiotherapist and spine therapist (ATD/TPVD)Distance learning feed advisor for horses (DeLSt)

Further training:

    Osteopathic techniques (including at the EquiCanes Academy)Fascia therapy (Nadine Zimmermann according to Franz Grünbeck)Biotensegral training (according to Dr. Veronika von Rohrscheidt)Horse dissection and detailed anatomy (Tanja Richter, Ivana Ruddock-Lange)Exterior and training plan, training therapy (OsteoDressage) Literature research of the old masters of classical ridingRation calculation and feeding theory (Conny Röhm) ... and much more

About Holistic Balance

With Holistic Balance I have fulfilled a heartfelt wish: to support and accompany horse owners and their horses holistically. The basis of my concept is the osteopathic and physiotherapeutic check-up. By treating all structures I can get a general picture of the current status. This allows individual problems of the horse-rider pair to be linked to physical lesions, training and feeding deficits. In addition, it is very important to me to obtain as much information as possible in order to be able to put different topics into context and work out the causes together with you. For this reason, every horse owner receives a medical history form before the first treatment with many questions about keeping, feeding, training, previous illnesses, etc. Building on the osteopathic check-up, I would like to offer you the opportunity to work holistically on the relevant problem areas. For this reason, I offer individual and flexible follow-up treatments. This can be a further, classic therapy in which dry needling, cranio-sacral techniques or physical therapies are used. However, it is often sensible and essential to get moving and develop new movement patterns in order to counteract recurring lesions. This movement therapy is individually tailored to the rider's goals and experience. I would be happy to offer to draw up a training plan for you. We will discuss goals, current problems, psychological blockages and create a plan for implementation. We will then work together to implement it. The topic of feeding also has far-reaching effects on all of the topics mentioned above. Mineral supply, as well as the need for proteins, crude fiber and energy, have a major influence on the psychological and physical condition of your horse. I would be happy to help you with hay analysis, requirements and rations as well as general feeding techniques. Since my concept is very individual, there is no clear structure. You are welcome to contact me so that we can work out a concept together that is specifically tailored to you and your horse.

Therapy options

My career

My name is Linda Visser, I was born in Bonn in 1997 and now live on the Dutch border in the Viersen district. I work part-time in the horse feed industry and run my small business on the side.

When I was five, my parents signed me up for my first riding lesson. It all started with a mother-child group on cheeky Shetlands, without any equipment. During my riding career, I was able to gain valuable experience on different horses and in different disciplines. I gained insights into modern dressage, from western and show jumping to classical and academic riding, as well as the training of gaited horses.

As a rider, I was particularly influenced by the concepts of Anja Beran, Ingrid Klimke and OsteoDressage. This led me to become more interested in the subject of natural crookedness, horse-friendly training and training horses to keep them healthy. I was particularly fascinated by anatomy, biomechanics and the connections, so I decided to train as a horse physiotherapist and Dorn therapist.

After graduating from high school, I first began studying agricultural sciences in Bonn, followed by a master's degree in agriculture and the environment at the TH Bingen, which I completed in 2023 with a very good grade. In addition to my studies, I have completed numerous internships and part-time jobs both in agriculture and on various horse farms and in the horse clinic at Kottenforst. During my studies, I dealt intensively with grassland management, feed production, livestock nutrition and equine science, among other things. This was followed by a distance learning course as a feed advisor for horses.

The combination of my agricultural studies, my many years of experience with horses and my therapeutic training with numerous advanced training courses in many different subject areas allows me to offer a wide range of services and to look at horses holistically. An evidence-based approach paired with practical experience and empathy is particularly important to me. I am passionate about the detailed anatomy of the horse.

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