The concept

Your holistic horse therapy concept for:

Osteopathie, Physiotherapie & Dry Needling

Training planning, training therapy and fitness checks

Hay analyses and feed ration calculations

Price list

Concept presentation and process

My holistic therapy concept aims to support you and your horse in the best possible way.

I know how frustrating keeping and training horses can be and how many different opinions you hear every day that can make you feel insecure. The most important thing, however, is that you enjoy your horse and riding and that your horse is happy and healthy! I founded Holistic Balance with this goal in mind.

If you like my concept, you are welcome to contact me via WhatsApp, email or telephone. I will then send you an anamnesis form, or we can talk about all the important details in advance. This way we can see how I can support you and what goals we are aiming for. At the first appointment, I will take enough time to talk through your horse's history and current condition with you. I will also get a first impression of the horse's posture. Your horse will then receive an initial osteopathic treatment.

In the subsequent follow-up treatments, we will create your very own individual coaching concept together. This can consist of further therapies (dry needling, physiotherapy, Novafon, etc.), training planning and implementation and/or feeding concepts. It doesn't matter whether you prefer close cooperation or half-yearly to yearly check-ups. I look forward to getting to know you and your horse!

You can find further information about the process on the "Equine Therapy" page.

You can read more about my concept under "About me". If you would like to know more about training and feeding, please take a look at the relevant pages.

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